Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It, published in 2020, is a motivational book that recounts a man’s journey to regain control of his life and fate. The book offers inspiring lessons and a steadfast dedication to self-love through a blend of personal anecdotes, practical guidance, and an easy-to-follow meditation technique.

Love Yourself

The author, Kamal Ravikant, is a successful self-made entrepreneur, author, and investor known for his work with prominent leaders in Silicon Valley. After serving in the US Army, he went on to write other popular non-fiction books, including ‘Live Your Truth’ and ‘Rebirth’.


What’s the benefit for you? Discover how to cultivate self-love and maintain it.

Throughout our lives, we experience love in various forms – for our parents, children, partners, pets, friends, and even strangers. But how often do we show love to ourselves? Often, when looking inward, we solely concentrate on our imperfections, compare ourselves to others, and feel inadequate. We prioritise everyone else before ourselves and then wonder why we’re not content.

Imagine if we could learn to love ourselves as if our lives depend on it, treating ourselves with the same kindness and respect we show to those we love.

It’s possible. It begins with a decision – a choice to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and see ourselves in a positive light. When you learn to love yourself, everything else will fall into place.


Idea 1 – Love Yourself! The power of subconscious self-love.

Self-love is often viewed as a self-centred act, and we’re taught from a young age to prioritise others’ needs before our own. But what if we viewed self-love as a form of self-care?

This idea to love yourself is potent because it brings happiness, contentment, and a sense of security. So, why don’t we love ourselves? It’s mainly due to years of negative thinking, where negative thoughts repeat themselves until they form a mental loop.

Our thoughts are always changing, like rivers flowing through our lives, and if not managed, can carve deep grooves over time. To change our lives, we must first alter the shape of our thoughts by flooding the negative grooves with self-love and compassion.

Self-love is a bold act of defiance against negative messages and affirms, “I am enough and deserving of love.” When we love ourselves, it becomes easier for others to love us and sets the foundation for future happiness and satisfaction.

The first step to self-love is forming a new mental loop. Repeat the phrase, “I love myself,” and see how deserving you are of happiness. The more you repeat it, the more light enters your life, and you’ll start to realise your worth. Be gentle and patient with yourself, and you’ll notice a peaceful, clearer, and more connected mind. Keep repeating “I love myself” until it becomes an all-consuming passion.

The mind and body respond automatically, with no choice but to comply. It’s a beautiful cycle: The more you love yourself, the more your thoughts will reflect that love. The more love you give to yourself, the more love you’ll have to give.

Easier said than done, but don’t worry. The next sections will guide you step-by-step on how to love yourself. The first step is to build a solid foundation by forgiving yourself for past mistakes.

Idea 2 – Develop a Greater Self-Awareness. 

One of the key aspects to developing a greater inner strength is to get more self-aware. This helps you recognise the thought patterns and behaviours that don’t serve you, rather than continually repeating the same patterns. Through greater self-awareness, you can learn to observe your thoughts and feelings objectively and have more control over how you respond.

With self-awareness, it becomes possible to recognise when negative self-talk appears in your mind and then explore why it’s there. Reframe these thoughts in a more positive light and don’t let them hold you back from living a fulfilling life. Challenge yourself to recognise and acknowledge your successes, strengths, and positive attributes instead of constantly focusing on areas that need improvement.

Idea 3 – Embrace self-forgiveness for a happier life.

Everyone makes mistakes, it’s a natural part of the human experience. However, what sets apart successful people from others is how they handle those mistakes. Rather than dwell in self-pity, they forgive themselves, learn from their errors, and move forward. This approach leads to more productive results.

A crucial aspect of loving yourself is accepting who you are, and this includes forgiving yourself for mistakes. Stop comparing yourself to others and start appreciating your unique talents and qualities. Instead of criticising yourself for perceived failures, celebrate your achievements. By letting go of the guilt and shame attached to your mistakes, you open the door to happiness.

To practise self-forgiveness, find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Write down all the things you hold against yourself on a piece of paper. Release any bottled-up emotions. Take a step back, and view your mistakes objectively. They don’t need to define you. When you’re ready, let them go. Burn the paper or tear it into pieces, and discard it. You’ll feel lighter and more free, ready to make positive changes. Embrace self-forgiveness for a happier life.

Idea 4 – Take charge of your life.

Take Charge of Your Life with a vow. Making a vow is a powerful statement that demonstrates your commitment to change and personal growth. When you vow to make a positive change, such as exercising regularly or quitting a bad habit, you boost your self-confidence with every commitment you fulfil. To take your journey to the next level, make a vow to love yourself unconditionally.

Write down this pledge to love yourself and read it aloud several times to help it sink in. Place the written vow where you can see it or take a photo with your phone to keep it accessible. Repeat your vows daily, ideally while taking deep breaths, to form a daily practice of self-love. As you continue this routine, you will find yourself moving from self-judgment to self-love.

Forgiving yourself is an essential step on the path to becoming your best self. And by making a vow, you show that you’re serious about making a change and taking charge of your life. So, clear your mind and focus on the next step – meditation.

Idea 5 – Establish Strong New Habits.

Rituals have the power to turn behaviours into habits, which eventually become part of our identity. To overcome old, unhealthy habits, we can create new, positive rituals. When it comes to self-love, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The important thing is to find what works for you and stick to it. Meditation and a regular self-love ritual can be life-changing. The more you practise, the easier it becomes to adopt a healthier identity.

Start your day with a 7-minute meditation. Pick uplifting music and close your eyes. As you inhale, imagine light entering from above, then release with each exhale. Repeat until the music ends. To show gratitude, say “I love myself” on the inhale and “Thank you” on the exhale. This spreads positive energy and helps you appreciate all the good in your life.

Make meditation a daily habit by listening to the same music every morning. Keep it sacred by avoiding playing it outside of meditation. Track your progress and hold yourself accountable. At the end of each day, check off the parts of your self-love ritual you completed, and show gratitude for your commitment.

Idea 6 – Love Yourself through a Daily Mirror Ritual.

You may consider it strange to love yourself.  Indeed, it’s common to struggle with self-doubt and have moments of feeling less than confident. However, a simple exercise can help shift your perspective and increase self-love. Stand in front of a mirror and look directly into your own eyes. Mentally repeat the affirmation “I love myself” for five minutes, allowing yourself to feel the emotion behind the words. If negative thoughts arise, release them and refocus on self-love. Repeat the affirmation ten more times, taking deep breaths and visualising a supportive community around you.

This daily ritual, although simple, can be incredibly powerful. By focusing on love, you anchor that feeling to your physical self and tell yourself that you are always deserving of love and respect. Over time, this will help you view yourself in a more positive light and create a new positive mental loop. Don’t underestimate the power of self-love, spend a few minutes each day looking into your eyes and repeating the affirmation.

Idea 7 – Spend Time in Nature.

Spending time in nature is an important part of self-love and compassion. Take time each day to relax and recharge—even if it’s just spending 15 minutes in a park or sitting by the ocean. Nature soothes the soul and can help you connect with yourself more deeply, while providing a calming environment free from distractions. This can give you the clarity and space you need to reflect on your life and decisions, assess your goals, and connect meaningfully with the world around you.

Idea 8 – Build Healthy Relationships with Others.

Self-love and compassion involve more than just caring for yourself; it also encompasses how you interact with others. It’s important to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, lift you up, and offer unconditional love and support. Be mindful of whether your relationships are based on trust and authenticity, or simply fuelled by mutual benefit. If necessary, seek out those who can help you feel connected, respected, and empowered so that you can continue on your journey of self-love and compassion.

Concluding thoughts…

Embark on the journey of self-love, one step at a time, with love, not fear. Treat yourself as you would a loved one, and this new habit will become a natural part of your life.

Keep in mind that your relationship with yourself is the most important one you will ever have. You are a unique individual who deserves nothing but the best. Life supports you, so it’s time to forgive yourself, make a commitment, and carry out a meaningful ritual.